Vector bundle

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Week 5 (due FebLet E be a real vector bundle of rank r with a connection ∇. Let ω be the corresponding connection 1-form defined on some trivializing neighborhood U . As explained in class, ∇ enables us to

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Language: English - Date: 2009-02-05 13:39:31

    Week 1 (due AprilAs was explained during the winter quarter, to any line bundle (complex vector bundle of rank one) on a manifold M one can associate its first Chern class which takes values in H 2 (M, Z), and two

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    Language: English - Date: 2009-04-01 22:32:01
      3Algebra / Abstract algebra / Mathematics / Group theory / Divisor / Morphism of schemes / Vector bundle / Sheaf / Order / Algebraic geometry / Isomorphism theorem

      CANONICAL SUBGROUPS VIA BREUIL-KISIN MODULES SHIN HATTORI Abstract. Let p > 2 be a rational prime and K/Qp be an extension of complete discrete valuation fields. Let G be a truncated BarsottiTate group of level n, heigh

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      Language: English
      4Algebra / Abstract algebra / Mathematics / Algebraic geometry / Coherent sheaf / Equivariant K-theory / K-theory / Toric variety / Equivariant sheaf / Cohomology / Vector bundle / Sheaf

      357 Documenta Math. Operational K -Theory Dave Anderson and Sam Payne

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      Language: English - Date: 2015-05-08 10:21:24
      5Differential geometry / Mathematical analysis / Theoretical physics / Differential topology / Courant algebroid / Lie algebroid / Almost complex manifold / Tangent bundle / Vector bundle / Torsion tensor / Lie algebra / Lie bialgebroid

      Hypersymplectic structures on Courant algebroids Paulo Antunes CMUC, Univ. of Coimbra joint work with Joana Nunes da Costa

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      Language: English - Date: 2012-09-12 12:20:07
      6Abstract algebra / Algebra / Geometry / Vector bundles / Foliation / Algebraic geometry / Ample line bundle / Divisor / Differential geometry

      157 Documenta Math. Rationally Connected Foliations on Surfaces

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      Language: English - Date: 2009-06-26 05:23:28
      7Abstract algebra / Algebra / Mathematics / Algebraic geometry / Algebraic varieties / Model theory / Vector bundles / Matroid theory / Pregeometry / Ample line bundle / Morphism of algebraic varieties / Dimension theory

      ANALYTIC ZARISKI STRUCTURES AND NON-ELEMENTARY CATEGORICITY BORIS ZILBER Abstract. We study analytic Zariski structures from the point of view of non-elementary model theory. We show how to associate an abstract elementa

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      Language: English - Date: 2016-01-12 10:43:42
      8Topology / Mathematics / Algebra / Differential geometry / Manifolds / Differential topology / Fiber bundles / Codimension / Linear algebra / Moving frame / Frame bundle / Vector bundle

      FRAME BUNDLE APPROACH TO GENERALIZED MINIMAL SUBMANIFOLDS KAMIL NIEDZIALOMSKI Abstract We extend the notion of r–minimality of a submanifold in arbitrary codimension to u–minimality for a multi–index u ∈ Nq , whe

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      Language: English - Date: 2016-06-07 16:35:57
      9Mathematical analysis / Mathematics / Geometry / Complex manifolds / Differential operators / Algebraic geometry / Differential geometry / Vector bundles / AtiyahSinger index theorem / Hermitian manifold / Dirac operator / Ample line bundle

      Clifford Cohomology of hermitian manifolds L. M. Hervella, A. M. Naveira, J. Seoane-Bascoy September 6∼9, 2011 Email: One of the fundamental objects in the study of a smooth manifold M is its bundl

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      Language: English - Date: 2011-10-21 04:10:12
      10Algebra / Abstract algebra / Mathematics / Ring theory / Ring / Polynomial ring / Frobenius endomorphism / Jet bundle / F-algebra / Witt vector / Inverse limit / Integral element

      971 Documenta Math. p-Jets

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      Language: English - Date: 2013-08-07 16:11:31