Theta role

Results: 157

1Linguistics / Syntax / Cognitive science / Grammar / Semantics / Semiotics / Generative linguistics / Parts of speech / Lexical functional grammar / Theta role / Annie Zaenen / Joan Bresnan

Templates and phrasal analyses of argument structure constructions

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Language: English - Date: 2016-07-26 06:54:29
2Linguistics / Syntax / Grammar / Semantics / Computational linguistics / Treebank / Constraint Grammar / Valency / Dependency grammar / Eckhard Bick / Theta role / Grammatical relation

Automatic Semantic-Role Annotation for Portuguese Eckhard Bick Institute of Language and Communication, University of Southern Denmark , Rugbjergvej 98, DK-8260 Viby J Abstract. The paper pr

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Language: English - Date: 2008-02-05 00:24:54
3Linguistics / Syntax / Grammar / Grammatical cases / PRO / Control / Argument / Infinitive / Dative case / Accusative case / Subject / Theta role

CONTROL AND SPANISH PSYCHOLOGICAL VERBS1 María Biezma-Garrido University of Ottawa This paper is focused on control. I take the position that one of the factors required for a successful theory of control is the semanti

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Language: English - Date: 2010-06-18 16:04:39
4Thematic roles / Linguistics / Semantics / Cognitive science / Resultative / Theta role / Argument / Thematic relation / Patient

Participant Sharing in Chinese Resultatives Mingming Liu (Rutgers University) Introduction: Chinese resultatives take the form of verb compounds V1-V2, V1 denoting an activity e1 and V2 its resultant state s2. An example

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Language: English - Date: 2013-04-02 10:13:05
5Cognition / Linguistics / Academia / Cognitive science / Semantics / Psycholinguistics / Thematic roles / Linguistic relativity / Concept / Language / Theta role / Grammatical aspect

PROPERTY OF THE MIT PRESS FOR PROOFREADING, INDEXING, AND PROMOTIONAL PURPOSES ONLY 12  The Representation of Events in Language and Cognition Anna Papafragou

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Language: English - Date: 2014-12-08 13:38:58
6Syntax / Linguistics / Grammar / Semantics / Thematic roles / Grammatical categories / Lexical semantics / Argument / Complement / Causative / Theta role / Clause

Can we put event nominals to rest? (Semantics) Russell Lee-Goldman UC Berkeley 2005 December The verb put has a use that can be characterized roughly as a causative light verb, illustrated in (1).

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Language: English - Date: 2007-04-25 02:42:44
7Linguistics / Syntax / Cognitive science / Grammar / Parts of speech / Philosophy of language / Semiotics / Clause / Object / Theta role / Subject / Animacy

The processing complexity of English relative clauses Edward Gibson, Hal Tily, Evelina Fedorenko Introduction Sentences that contain non-local dependencies between words have long been known to cause comprehension diffic

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Language: English - Date: 2016-06-13 10:41:04
8Syntax / Linguistics / Grammar / Semantics / Thematic roles / Grammatical categories / Valency / Theta role / Argument / Transitive verb / Subject / Language

Identifying semantic role clusters and alignment types via microrole coexpression tendencies Iren Hartmann1, Martin Haspelmath1 and Michael Cysouw2 1Max

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Language: English - Date: 2014-08-18 12:26:34
9Linguistics / Syntax / Grammar / Semantics / Generative linguistics / Parts of speech / Lexical functional grammar / Theta role / Grammatical relation / Predicate / Argument / Head-driven phrase structure grammar

Grammatical functions: a problematic fundamental concept of LFG? Agnieszka Patejuk, Adam Przepiórkowski {aep,adamp} Introduction While LFG emphasises that grammatical functions (GFs) are first-class lingui

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Language: English - Date: 2016-06-01 06:38:32
10Syntax / Linguistics / Grammar / Thematic roles / Object / Subject / Clause / Theta role / Verb / Sentence clause structure / Sentence / Patient

Microsoft Word - 4328E9C4doc

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Language: English - Date: 2010-06-18 16:04:43