Generating set of a group

Results: 10

1Geometry / Mathematics / Algebra / Group theory / Combinatorics on words / Infinite group theory / Geometric group theory / Topological groups / Residually finite group / Hyperbolic group / Betti number / Generating set of a group


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Language: English - Date: 2016-01-10 05:46:25
2Group theory / Geometric group theory / Algebraic graph theory / Cayley graph / Expander graph / Adjacency matrix / Eigenvalues and eigenvectors / Abelian group / Generating set of a group / Regular graph / Examples of groups / Two-graph

Spectral Graph Theory Lecture 13 Cayley Graphs Daniel A. Spielman

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Language: English - Date: 2012-08-24 09:50:05
3Algebra / Abstract algebra / Mathematics / Group theory / P-group generation algorithm / Schur multiplier / Generating set of a group / Presentation of a group / Group extension / GAP / P-group / Free group

ANUPQ ANU p-Quotient

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Language: English - Date: 2016-06-10 09:36:55
4Group theory / Geometry / Mathematics / Combinatorial group theory / Combinatorics on words / Geometric group theory / Generating set of a group / Finitely generated group / Presentation of a group / P-group / Free group

FGA Free Group Algorithms A GAP4 Package Versionby

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Language: English - Date: 2016-06-10 09:36:56
5Group theory / Combinatorics on words / Hyperbolic geometry / Kleinian groups / Stallings theorem about ends of groups / Abstract algebra / Geometry / Geometric group theory

JEREMY MACDONALD, Stevens Institute of Technology Effective coherence in discriminated groups Subgroups are usually specified by a generating set, but many group-theoretic algorithms require a presentation as (part of) t

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Language: English - Date: 2013-11-01 15:18:03
6Niels Henrik Abel / Finite groups / Finitely-generated abelian group / Abelian group / Cyclic group / Generating set of a group / Module theory / Abelian variety / Free abelian group / Abstract algebra / Group theory / Algebra

10. FINITELY GENERATED ABELIAN GROUPS §10.1. Finitely Presented Abelian Groups The group A, B, C | A4 = B2 = 1, AB = BA, AC = CA, BC = CB is an example of a finitely-presented abelian group, but one which is writt

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Language: English - Date: 2014-03-10 22:49:03
7Algebraic structures / Combinatorics on words / Combinatorial group theory / Presentation of a group / Integration by substitution / Group / Generating set of a group / Order / Commutator subgroup / Abstract algebra / Algebra / Group theory

DOCID: [removed]pproved for release by NSA on[removed], Transparency Case# 3852

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Language: English - Date: 2011-12-28 11:18:16
8Group theory / Geometric group theory / Combinatorics on words / Small cancellation theory / Rank of a group / Hyperbolic group / Presentation of a group / Grushko theorem / Generating set of a group / Abstract algebra / Mathematics / Algebra

Unsolvable problems about small cancellation and word hyperbolic groups G. Baumslag, C. F. Miller III and H. Short

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Language: English - Date: 2000-06-10 16:50:19
9Algebraic structures / Geometric group theory / Finitely-generated abelian group / Abelian group / Generating set of a group / Group / Finitely-generated module / Free abelian group / Abstract algebra / Algebra / Group theory

Classification of Finitely Generated Abelian Groups The proof given below uses vector space techniques (Smith Normal Form) and generalizes from abelian groups to “modules over PIDs” (essentially generalized vector spaces). Smith Normal Form is a reduced form similar to the row reduced matrices encountered in

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Language: English - Date: 2000-11-03 01:05:21