Abelian variety

Results: 187

1Singularities of divisors on abelian varieties Olivier Debarre March 20, 2006 This is joint work with Christopher Hacon. We work over the complex numbers. Let D be an effective divisor on an abelian variety A of dimensio

Singularities of divisors on abelian varieties Olivier Debarre March 20, 2006 This is joint work with Christopher Hacon. We work over the complex numbers. Let D be an effective divisor on an abelian variety A of dimensio

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Source URL: www.math.ens.fr

Language: English - Date: 2006-03-20 04:52:30
2Galois sections for abelian varieties over number fields MIRELA ÇIPERIANI AND JAKOB STIX Abstract — For an abelian variety A over a number field k we discuss the space of sections of its fundamental group extension π

Galois sections for abelian varieties over number fields MIRELA ÇIPERIANI AND JAKOB STIX Abstract — For an abelian variety A over a number field k we discuss the space of sections of its fundamental group extension π

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Source URL: www.ma.utexas.edu

Language: English - Date: 2014-01-15 10:55:48
    3On the modular curve X0 (23) Ren´e Schoof Abstract. The Jacobian J0 (23) of the modular curve X0 (23) is a semi-stable abelian variety over Q with good reduction outside 23. It is simple. We prove that every simple semi

    On the modular curve X0 (23) Ren´e Schoof Abstract. The Jacobian J0 (23) of the modular curve X0 (23) is a semi-stable abelian variety over Q with good reduction outside 23. It is simple. We prove that every simple semi

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    Source URL: www.mat.uniroma2.it

    Language: English - Date: 2012-05-21 17:42:16
      4A counterexample to the local-global principle of linear dependence for abelian varieties Peter Jossen and Antonella Perucca Abstract Let A be an abelian variety defined over a number field k. Let P be a point in A(k) an

      A counterexample to the local-global principle of linear dependence for abelian varieties Peter Jossen and Antonella Perucca Abstract Let A be an abelian variety defined over a number field k. Let P be a point in A(k) an

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      Source URL: www.jossenpeter.ch

      Language: English - Date: 2013-02-20 08:17:28
        5The Field of Moduli of a Polarized Abelian Variety David Gruenewald 15th September

        The Field of Moduli of a Polarized Abelian Variety David Gruenewald 15th September

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        Source URL: www.maths.usyd.edu.au

        Language: English - Date: 2005-10-18 21:21:13
          6Arithmetic on Abelian and Kummer Varieties DAVID LUBICZ AND DAMIEN ROBERT Abstract. A Kummer variety is obtained as the quotient of an abelian variety by the automorphism (−1) acting on it. Kummer varieties can be seen

          Arithmetic on Abelian and Kummer Varieties DAVID LUBICZ AND DAMIEN ROBERT Abstract. A Kummer variety is obtained as the quotient of an abelian variety by the automorphism (−1) acting on it. Kummer varieties can be seen

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          Source URL: www.normalesup.org

          Language: English - Date: 2016-02-02 09:33:40
            7TORSION DES VARIÉTÉS ABÉLIENNES CM ÉRIC GAUDRON ET GAËL RÉMOND Abstract. In this note, we improve on a result of Silverberg giving an upper bound for the order of a rational torsion point on a CM abelian variety ov

            TORSION DES VARIÉTÉS ABÉLIENNES CM ÉRIC GAUDRON ET GAËL RÉMOND Abstract. In this note, we improve on a result of Silverberg giving an upper bound for the order of a rational torsion point on a CM abelian variety ov

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            Source URL: math.univ-bpclermont.fr

            Language: French - Date: 2017-12-19 14:43:13
              8Weil–Châtelet divisible elements in Tate–Shafarevich groups II: On a question of Cassels MIRELA ÇIPERIANI AND JAKOB STIX Abstract — For an abelian variety A over a number field k we discuss the divisibility in H1

              Weil–Châtelet divisible elements in Tate–Shafarevich groups II: On a question of Cassels MIRELA ÇIPERIANI AND JAKOB STIX Abstract — For an abelian variety A over a number field k we discuss the divisibility in H1

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              Source URL: www.ma.utexas.edu

              Language: English - Date: 2012-06-01 14:19:32
                9Lifting Galois covers of algebraic curves Frans Oort Intercity number theory seminar, Utrecht, June 8, 2012. Introduction

                Lifting Galois covers of algebraic curves Frans Oort Intercity number theory seminar, Utrecht, June 8, 2012. Introduction

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                Source URL: www.staff.science.uu.nl

                Language: English - Date: 2012-06-11 04:12:14
                10Explicit Algorithms for Humbert Surfaces David Gruenewald A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Pure Mathematics at the University of Sydney, December 2008

                Explicit Algorithms for Humbert Surfaces David Gruenewald A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Pure Mathematics at the University of Sydney, December 2008

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                Source URL: iml.univ-mrs.fr

                Language: English - Date: 2014-09-16 07:00:22