
Results: 1001


Load Disaggregation of Industrial Machinery Power Consumption Monitoring Using Factorial Hidden Markov Models Pedro Bandeira de Mello Martins Raphael Guimar˜aes Duarte Pinto

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Source URL: nilmworkshop.org

Language: English - Date: 2018-04-30 17:14:56

    Laboratório de Psicologia, 9(1): ) © 2011, I.S.P.A. Estrutura factorial da General Self-Efficacy Scale (Escala de Auto-Eficácia Geral) numa amostra de professores portugueses

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    Source URL: octaviomoura.com

    - Date: 2016-06-27 12:34:17

      Ann Inst Stat Math:787–803 DOIs10463x Approximate theory-aided robust efficient factorial fractions under baseline parametrization Rahul Mukerjee · S. Huda

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      Source URL: www.ism.ac.jp

      - Date: 2016-08-02 06:58:13
        4Mathematics / Algebra / Matrices / Exponentials / Combinatorics / Circulant matrix / Numerical linear algebra / Exponentiation / Circulant graph / Factorial / Matrix / LindemannWeierstrass theorem

        Distribution of the exponents of primitive circulant matrices in the first four boxes of Zn. M.I. Bueno Mathematics Department and College of Creative Studies, University of California Santa Barbara ∗,

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        Source URL: math.ucsb.edu

        Language: English - Date: 2011-11-04 16:28:12
        5Mathematics / Discrete mathematics / Combinatorics / Integer sequences / Number theory / Permutations / Enumerative combinatorics / Stirling numbers of the second kind / Partition / Inclusionexclusion principle / Bernoulli number / Factorial

        MATH 802: ENUMERATIVE COMBINATORICS ASSIGNMENT 2 KANNAPPAN SAMPATH Facts Recall that, the Stirling number S(k, n) of the second kind is defined as the

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        Source URL: www.mast.queensu.ca

        Language: English - Date: 2015-11-03 15:23:42
        6Graph theory / Bipartite graphs / Graph operations / NP-complete problems / Chordal bipartite graph / Chordal graph / Distance-hereditary graph / Matching / Line graph / Split graph / Graph / Cycle

        On factorial properties of chordal bipartite graphs Konrad Dabrowski∗ Vadim V. Lozin† Victor Zamaraev‡

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        Source URL: community.dur.ac.uk

        Language: English - Date: 2013-01-06 11:50:35
        7Mathematics / Algebra / Abstract algebra / Algebraic geometry / Combinatorics / Algebraic topology / Bloch group / Motivic cohomology / Polylogarithm / Chow group / Factorial / Motive

        131 Documenta Math. The Additive Dilogarithm To Kazuya Kato, with fondness and profound respect,

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        Source URL: www.math.uiuc.edu

        Language: English - Date: 2003-12-22 16:28:27
        8Artificial neural networks / Applied mathematics / Machine learning / Statistics / Factorial code / Sepp Hochreiter / Backpropagation / Competitive learning / Self-organizing map / Autoencoder

        Low-Complexity Coding and Decoding Sepp Hochreiter and Jurgen Schmidhuber Technische Universitat Munchen, 80290 Munchen, Germany and IDSIA, Corso Elvezia 36, CH-6900-Lugano, Switzerland Abstract. We present a novel

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        Source URL: www.bioinf.jku.at

        Language: English - Date: 2013-01-23 02:15:47
        9Mathematics / Abstract algebra / Algebra / Modular arithmetic / Computer arithmetic / Residue number system / Binary operations / Addition / 2N / Chinese remainder theorem / Factorial

        A Compact and Scalable RNS Architecture Pedro Miguens Matutino Ricardo Chaves and Leonel Sousa ISEL / INESC-ID / IST, Technical University of Lisbon

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        Source URL: www.inesc-id.pt

        Language: English - Date: 2014-01-29 04:45:59
        10Cryptography / Permutations / Combinatorics / Trapdoor function / NC / RSA / Optimal asymmetric encryption padding / Permutation / Parity of a permutation / Factorial / Integer factorization

        Certifying RSA Saqib A. Kakvi, Eike Kiltz, and Alexander May Faculty of Mathematics Horst G¨ ortz Institute for IT-Security Ruhr University Bochum, Germany

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        Source URL: www.cits.rub.de

        Language: English - Date: 2014-11-18 10:03:56