Programming language theory

Results: 4158


Programming Language Methods in Computer Security John Mitchell Stanford University

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Language: English - Date: 2001-03-11 22:41:33

    Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 1 The Language Features and Architecture of B-Prolog

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    - Date: 2011-02-23 16:01:36

      Dr Nicholas Cameron Curriculum Vitae Higher Education PhD in Computing (Programming Language Theory), Imperial College London, April 2009. - “Existential Types for Variance — Java Wildcards and Ownership Types” (ab

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        4Software engineering / Programming language theory / Computer programming / Haskell / Literate programming / PM

        Northeast PARC Regional Working Group Meeting August 13-14, 2002 in Pennsylvania Tuesday, August 13, :00 pm Arrival and Registration

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        Language: English - Date: 2014-09-16 14:42:25
        5Software engineering / Software / Type theory / Programming language theory / Proof assistants / Functional languages / Formal methods / Logic in computer science / Formal verification / Dependent type / Agda / Coq

        bイオウウ・ャウL@SP@o」エッ「・イ@RPQU cost@PUUOQU decision sオ「ェ・」エZ@

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        Language: English - Date: 2015-11-12 17:02:31
        6Software engineering / Programming language theory / Computer programming / Functional languages / Primality tests / Procedural programming languages / Integer sequences / Lazy evaluation / Pure / Sieve of Eratosthenes / ALGOL 68 / Functional programming

        02157 Functional Programming - Sequences

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        Language: English - Date: 2013-01-17 17:30:05
        7Software engineering / Computer programming / Programming language theory / Functional languages / OCaml / Caml / ML / Ur / Fold

        OCaml Standard Library Standard Modules Basic Data Types Pervasives String Array

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        Language: English - Date: 2012-09-19 09:12:11
        8Software engineering / Programming language theory / Computer programming / Type theory / Procedural programming languages / Functional languages / Logic in computer science / Programming language semantics / Standard ML / Denotational semantics / Monad / Type system

        A Type-Theoretic Interpretation of Standard ML Robert Harper and Christopher Stone frwh, School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University

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        Language: English - Date: 2001-06-27 15:19:02
        9Software engineering / Computer programming / Communication design / Logos / Programming language theory

        using the logo These logos are available for digital use on light backgrounds: THE PRIMARY LOGO

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        Language: English - Date: 2016-07-30 03:03:05
        10Type theory / Theoretical computer science / Mathematical logic / Programming language theory / Lambda calculus / Formal methods / Logic in computer science / CurryHoward correspondence / HindleyMilner type system / Simply typed lambda calculus / Type system / Proof assistant

        PML : A new proof assistant and deduction system Christophe Raffalli LAMA

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        Language: English - Date: 2007-07-02 08:10:34