Oromo language

Results: 125

1Linguistics / Linguistic morphology / Grammar / Parts of speech / Grammatical number / Declension / Inflection / Nominal / Noun / Morphology / Oromo language / Morpheme

Morphology DOIs11525z O R I G I N A L PA P E R Italian V+N compounds, inflectional features and conceptual structure

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Source URL: gerlin.phil-fak.uni-koeln.de

Language: English - Date: 2016-01-26 05:29:23
2Linguistics / Grammar / Language / Languages of Ethiopia / Definiteness / Semantics / Syntax / Article / Specificity / Amharic / Partitive / Oromo language

von  Heusinger,  Klaus  2011.  Definiteness.  Final  version  to  appear  in:  M.  Aronoff  (ed.).  Oxford   Bibliographies  Online:  Linguistics.  New  York:  Oxf

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Source URL: gerlin.phil-fak.uni-koeln.de

Language: English - Date: 2011-11-24 06:27:14
3Parts of speech / Linguistics / Intonation / Prosody / Adjective / Verb / Oromo language

Contents 1 One World page 4

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Source URL: www.supadu.com

Language: English - Date: 2012-08-14 09:39:42
4Linguistics / Syntax / Grammar / Verb / Apostrophe / Object pronoun / Agreement / Inflection / Oromo language / Portuguese personal pronouns / Participle / Personal pronoun

  As editors, we work to ensure writing is accurate, clear, factual and correct. But it can be easy to get hung up on “rules” of language that are really just peeves or shibboleths – and that only serve to distrac

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Source URL: www.copydesk.org

Language: English - Date: 2016-04-22 14:03:20
5Linguistics / Grammar / Linguistic morphology / Grammatical number / Linguistic typology / Morphology / Oromo language / Morpheme / Inflection / Plural / Productivity / Suffix

Running"head:"SINGULAR"AND"PLURAL"IN"THREE"LANGUAGES" " " The"processing"of"singular"and"plural"nouns"in"English,"French"and"Dutch:"new"insights"from" megastudies" Manuel"Gimenesa,"Marc"Brysbaertb"&"Boris"Newc"

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Source URL: crr.ugent.be

Language: English - Date: 2015-10-06 08:25:16
6Linguistics / Grammar / Language / Parts of speech / Languages of Ethiopia / Prefix / Suffix / Declension / Oromo language / Adjective / Noun / Amharic

Word building These two pages deal with the way in which groups of letters are added to words to make different words. Prefixes Sometimes a group of letters is added to the beginning of a word. This group of letters is c

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Source URL: www.chambers.co.uk

Language: English - Date: 2015-02-17 11:05:12
7Linguistics / Historical linguistics / Regular and irregular verbs / Oromo language / Culture / Linguistic morphology / English grammar

englishforeveryone.org Name________________ Date________________ Pronouncing “ed” Endings

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Source URL: www.englishforeveryone.org

Language: English - Date: 2014-07-03 12:59:37
8Linguistics / Phonology / Phonetics / Prosody / Systemic functional linguistics / Cognitive science / Prosodic unit / Dependency grammar / Intonation / Focus / Oromo language / Tone

Pragmatic interpretation of contrastive prosody: It looks like speech adaptation Chigusa Kurumada Dept. of Linguistics Stanford University

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Source URL: kinderlab.bcs.rochester.edu

Language: English - Date: 2016-03-02 10:01:47
9Linguistics / Linguistic typology / Grammar / Clitic / Morphophonology / Syntax / Morphology / Pashto / Oromo language / Tzeltal language / Clitic doubling

Microsoft Word - MASTER1.DOC

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Source URL: www.yorku.ca

Language: English - Date: 2006-05-15 14:40:55
10Linguistics / Grammar / Grammatical number / Oromo language / Predicate / Culture / Language

Discontinuous Reciprocal in Japanese Feb.7,2010; mid-atlantic snow! (image from nationalgeographic) Masahiro Yamada University of Delaware (-Mar.31)

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Source URL: www.macsim.us

Language: English - Date: 2011-06-24 13:35:02