Original meaning

Results: 93


LAND OF TOMORROW Some historians say the original meaning of the word Kentucky is “land of tomorrow.” When Kentuckians have made real progress in the past—improving our schools, expanding civil rights, cleaning

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Source URL: www.kypolicy.us

- Date: 2013-02-01 16:48:19
    2Philosophy / Logic / Semantics / Abstraction / Philosophical logic / Grammar / Meaning / Lambda calculus / Hans Kamp / Presupposition / Montague grammar / Temporal logic

    INTRODUCTION TO MEANING AND THE DYNAMICS OF INTERPRETATION Alice ter Meulen and Klaus von Heusinger This selection of original papers written by Hans Kamp—philosopherlinguist-logician-cognitive-scientist and computer-s

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    Source URL: gerlin.phil-fak.uni-koeln.de

    Language: English - Date: 2016-01-26 05:29:24
    3Communication / Meaning / Translation

    Authorised translators An authorised translator is an expert who has the right to carry out authorised translations. An authorised translation maintains the legal force of the original document and is used as a tool for

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    Source URL: oph.fi

    Language: English
    4Conservatism in the United States / Intention / Antonin Scalia / University and college admissions / Originalism / Textualism / Clarence Thomas / Original meaning / Grutter v. Bollinger / Supreme Court of the United States / Rapanos v. United States / Strict constructionism

    THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY: REFLECTIONS OF A COUNTERCLERK Gil Seinfeld * Everyone has strong feelings about Justice Scalia. Lionized by the political right and demonized by the left, he has been among the most polar

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    Source URL: michiganlawreview.org

    Language: English - Date: 2016-04-01 16:39:57
    5International law / Sosa v. Alvarez-Machain / Alien Tort Statute / Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. / Filrtiga v. Pea-Irala / Customary international law / Common law / Law of the United States / Public international law / Custom / Machan / Tort

    ARTICLE The Original Meaning of the Law of Nations WILLIAM J. MOON*

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    Source URL: www.vjil.org

    Language: English - Date: 2016-03-30 13:31:57
    6Maryborough /  Queensland / Queensland Heritage Register / Mary River / Port of Maryborough / Original Maryborough Town Site / City of Maryborough

    PORT OF MARYBOROUGH The Port of Maryborough, Queensland, was opened in 1847 and in 1859 it was declared a port of entry, meaning that overseas and intercolonial vessels could arrive and depart direct, although there appe

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    Source URL: www.treeroots.com.au

    Language: English - Date: 2012-03-20 04:18:19
    7Conservatism in the United States / Intention / Antonin Scalia / Textualism / Originalism / Steven G. Calabresi / Federalist Society / Stephen Breyer / Robert Bork / Original meaning / Supreme Court of the United States / Rapanos v. United States

    Microsoft Word - Calabresi_F

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    Source URL: www.harvard-jlpp.com

    Language: English - Date: 2016-06-06 20:59:39
    8Conservatism in the United States / Antonin Scalia / Textualism / Clarence Thomas / Legal formalism / William Rehnquist / Supreme Court of the United States / Original meaning / Rapanos v. United States / Originalism

     LECTURE Delivered May 19, 2016 No. 1274 | August 4, 2016

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    Source URL: thf-reports.s3.amazonaws.com

    Language: English - Date: 2016-08-08 10:33:13

    Glens Falls, New York To view this article in its original online form, with a photo gallery, go to: http://poststar.com/lifestyles/today/article_c9acf476-baf5-11df-81a3-001cc4c002e0.html?mode=story Group finds meaning

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    Source URL: breadandtorah.org

    Language: English
      10Information science / Information seeking / Marcia J. Bates / Meaning / Psychology / Cognitivism / Science / Ethology / Behavior

      Metatheoretical Snowmen II* *Metatheoretical Snowmen was presented for the first time at the ASIS&T Annual Meeting inThe original proposal received high scores from reviewers and at the event an enthusiastic audie

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      Source URL: www.asis.org

      Language: English - Date: 2014-07-19 18:54:35