Oil and gas law

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Michigan Environmental Law Deskbook Second Edition Oil and Gas Chapter 20

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Source URL: higherlogicdownload.s3.amazonaws.com

- Date: 2014-05-15 15:51:04

    ERIC WAECKERLIN Partnerfax EXPERTISE Environmental Law, Oil and Gas, Energy Industry, Water Law, Mining, Climate Change, Sustainability, Reuse and Recycling, and Rene

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    Source URL: www.dgslaw.com

    - Date: 2016-07-25 10:18:58
      3Business / Economy / Oil and gas law / Petroleum industry / Tesoro / Royalty payment / Mineral rights / Royal Dutch Shell / BP / Petroleum / Alaska North Slope

      Final Best Interest Finding and Determination for the Sale of Alaska North Slope Royalty Oil to Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company, LLC

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      Source URL: dog.dnr.alaska.gov

      Language: English
      4Oil and gas law / Railroad Commission of Texas / Utility location / Petroleum industry / Petroleum in the United States / Texas

      PDP - Educational Information Letter

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      Source URL: www.rrc.state.tx.us

      Language: English - Date: 2016-02-26 11:14:29
      5Oil and gas law / Mineral rights / Property law / Petroleum industry / Chemistry / Petroleum / Hydrocarbon exploration / Matter / Economic geology

      APPROVAL OF THE APPLICATION FOR DISCOVERY WELL CERTIFICATION KITCHEN LIGHTS NO. 3 WELL Findings and Decision of the Director of the Division of Oil and Gas Under Delegation of Authority from the Commissioner of the State

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      Source URL: dog.dnr.alaska.gov

      Language: English - Date: 2015-09-16 16:37:05
      6Hydraulic fracturing / Water / Environment of the United States / Natural environment / Bureau of Land Management / Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing / Water testing / Safe Drinking Water Act / Shale gas / Natural gas / Oil and gas law in the United States / Hydraulic fracturing in the United States

      PDF Document

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      Source URL: minerals.nv.gov

      Language: English - Date: 2015-03-27 12:33:33
      7United States administrative law / Law / Administrative law / Rulemaking

      Missouri Geological Survey Geological Survey Program State Oil and Gas Council Rules Anticipated Rulemaking Schedule June-July 2015

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      Source URL: dnr.mo.gov

      Language: English - Date: 2015-07-01 17:02:33
      8Fish / Anthrozoology / Fisheries law / Fishing license / Trout / Angling

      Non-Surface Use Oil and Gas Cooperative Agreement John Arway, Executive Director Project Partners

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      Source URL: www.fishandboat.com

      Language: English - Date: 2012-08-10 09:38:39
      9Law / Economy / Property law / Private law / Landlordtenant law / Business law / Contract law / Lease / Royalty payment / Federal Lands Jobs and Energy Security Act / Oil and gas law in the United States

      R850. School and Institutional Trust Lands, Administration.

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      Source URL: www.rules.utah.gov

      Language: English - Date: 2016-08-18 15:43:42
      10Landman / Oil and gas law / Petroleum production / American Association of Professional Landmen / Ethics / Codes of conduct / Economy / Business / Business ethics / Profession / Ethical code

      Standards of Practice American Association of Professional Landmen The Bylaws of the American Association of Professional Landmen (AAPL) provide that a Code of Ethics has been established “to inspire and maintain a hig

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      Source URL: www.landman.org

      Language: English - Date: 2012-06-28 11:08:45