Metric space

Results: 767

1Mathematical analysis / Mathematics / Geometry / Metric geometry / Sobolev spaces / Inequalities / Function spaces / Measure theory / Sobolev inequality / Metric space / Lp space / Quasi-isometry

Large scale Sobolev inequalities on metric measure spaces and applications. Romain Tessera October 29, 2010 Abstract For functions on a metric measure space, we introduce a notion of

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Language: English - Date: 2010-10-28 18:34:34

FolderSizes - Fact Sheet Powerful Disk Space Analysis Software for the Enterprise FolderSizes is a powerful disk space analysis, visualization, and management software product created by Key Metric Software. It runs on a

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Language: English - Date: 2016-02-04 17:05:03

    Navigating nets: Simple algorithms for proximity search [Extended Abstract] Robert Krauthgamer Abstract We present a simple deterministic data structure for maintaining a set S of points in a general metric space,

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    - Date: 2003-10-05 23:11:19

      AN EQUIVARIANT CW -COMPLEX FOR THE FREE LOOP SPACE OF A FINSLER MANIFOLD HANS-BERT RADEMACHER Abstract. We consider a compact manifold M with a bumpy Finsler metric. The free loop space Λ of M carries a canonical action

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      - Date: 2011-02-08 07:42:49

        Lecture by John F. Nash Jr. An Interesting Equation The equation that we have discovered is a 4th order covariant tensor partial differential equation applicable to the metric tensor of a space-time. It is simplest in fo

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        - Date: 2004-09-21 14:42:58

          THE DAUGAVET PROPERTY FOR SPACES OF LIPSCHITZ FUNCTIONS YEVGEN IVAKHNO, VLADIMIR KADETS AND DIRK WERNER Abstract. For a compact metric space K the space Lip(K) has the Daugavet property if and only if the norm of every f

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          - Date: 2005-10-14 10:57:29

            Datenbank Spektrum DOIs13222FACHBEITRAG Speeding up Privacy Preserving Record Linkage for Metric Space

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            - Date: 2016-06-06 03:07:24
              8Topology / Mathematics / Space / Differential topology / Differential geometry / Foliation / Algebraic topology / Homotopy theory / Fibration / Ellipse

              A Lorentz metric on the manifold of positive definite (2 x 2)-matrices and foliations by ellipses Marcos Salvai ´ FaMAF (UNC) – CIEM (CONICET), Cordoba,

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              Language: English - Date: 2011-10-21 04:10:12
              9Geometry / Metric geometry / Space / Ultrametric space / Operator theory / Differential forms on a Riemann surface / Modulus of continuity

              Lassoing Phylogenetic Trees Katharina Huber, School of Computing Sciences, University of East Anglia, UK September 23, 2015

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              Language: English - Date: 2015-09-23 08:44:22
              10Topology / Mathematics / General topology / Space / Base / Continuous function / Metric space / Open set / Topological space / Topology of uniform convergence / Weak topology

              MSM3P22/MSM4P22 Further Complex Variable Theory & General Topology Solutions to Problem sheet 3 Jos´e A. Ca˜ nizo March 2013

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              Language: English - Date: 2015-01-23 17:42:05