Mage Wars Arena

Results: 5

1Fiction / Magic of Dungeons & Dragons / Windows games / Wizard / Magic in Harry Potter / Cleric / Caster / Gaming / Mage Wars Arena

Cleric First Level Spells Animal Friendship Multiple bless spells are not cumulative. In addition to the verbal and somatic gesture components, the bless spell requires holy water.

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Language: English - Date: 2015-08-20 00:51:46
2Fiction / Magic of Dungeons & Dragons / Wizard / Caster / Magic in Harry Potter / Magic item / Ranger / Gaming / Mage Wars Arena

Craft Sixth Level Spells Contingency Craft Sixth Level Control Weather (Alteration)

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Language: English - Date: 2015-08-28 10:24:01
3Dungeons & Dragons / Fiction / Fantasy / Magic of Dungeons & Dragons / Beholder / Wizard / Magic item / Magic in Harry Potter / Caster / Mage Wars Arena

Craft Third Level Spells Animal Magnetism Auric Sight (Alteration)

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Language: English - Date: 2015-08-28 10:23:59
4Fiction / Gaming / Magic of Dungeons & Dragons / Wizard / Magic in Harry Potter / Magic item / Spellcaster / Creature type / Role-playing game terminology / Advanced d20 Magic / Mage Wars Arena

Magician Eighth Level Spells Antipathy-Sympathy D20 Roll

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Language: English - Date: 2015-07-22 19:41:46
5Fiction / Gaming / Magic of Dungeons & Dragons / Wizard / Magic item / Ranger / Druid / Cleric / Magic in Harry Potter / Caster / Mage Wars Arena

Cleric Sixth Level Spells Animal Summoning III (Conjuration, Summoning) Sphere: Animal, Summoning

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Language: English - Date: 2015-08-20 00:51:55