John Roberts

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The Boundaries of the Firm Revisited Journal of Economic Perspectives, 12:4 (Fall 1998), ppBengt Holmström and John Roberts Why do firms exist? What is their function, and what determines their scope? These rema

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- Date: 2008-02-07 10:28:50

    Lower John Day River, OR Murtha Ranch: Transforming a Cattle Ranch into a Fishery By Don Roberts I

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    - Date: 2012-06-21 17:29:00

      2015 IFAS TPPS Committee Report Committee Members: Grady Roberts (chair), John Davis (co-chair), Roxanne Connelly, Albert Fuller, Phil Louinbos, Kim Moore, Marjorie Moore, Rafa Muñoz-Carpena, Steve Sargent, Laurie Trenh

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      - Date: 2015-10-30 16:13:19

        Back to Business As Usual: TheSupreme Court Docket For a decade, the John Roberts-led Supreme Court has upended precedent and struck down legislation to help large corporations and right-wing interests at the

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        - Date: 2016-07-20 16:02:57

          Hastings City PUBLIC SCHOOLS. JOHN ROBERTS, NEWS DEALER and Dealer in

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          Language: English - Date: 2011-05-31 12:37:36
            6Law / Supreme Court of the United States / United States courts of appeals / Sexual health / Pro-choice movement / Gonzales v. Carhart / Roe v. Wade / Planned Parenthood / Carhart / Freedom of Choice Act / Samuel Alito / John Roberts

            Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) Following the Supreme Court’s closely divided decision to uphold the first-ever federal ban on abortion in 20071, it became clear that the stakes changed and the right to choose was facing

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            Language: English - Date: 2016-02-17 15:24:13

            Descendants of John A. Johnson 1 John A. JohnsonJames Washington Johnson ............ +Nancy Ellen Roberts 1853 ................... 3 Bessy Johnson ................... 3 Johnnie A

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            Language: English - Date: 2013-01-24 14:36:51
              8Biology / Reproduction / Andrology / Germ cells / Fertility / Developmental biology / Semen / Neal L. First / In vitro maturation / Wolf Prize in Agriculture / Acrosome reaction / Spermatozoon

              Neal L. First 1930–2014 A Biographical Memoir by R. Michael Roberts and John J. Parrish

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              Language: English - Date: 2016-07-25 14:49:15
              9Algebra / Mathematics / Matrices / Linear algebra / Parallel computing / Numerical linear algebra / In-place matrix transposition / Permutations / Transpose / Message Passing Interface / Cache-oblivious algorithm / Matrix

              Adaptive Matrix Transpose Algorithms for Distributed Multicore Processors John C. Bowman and Malcolm Roberts Abstract An adaptive parallel matrix transpose algorithm optimized for distributed multicore architectures runn

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              Language: English - Date: 2015-09-12 12:29:21
              10Fourier analysis / Convolution / Discrete Fourier transform / Multidimensional discrete convolution / Fourier transform / Circular convolution / Fourier series / Spectral method / Discrete Hartley transform / SchnhageStrassen algorithm

              EFFICIENT DEALIASED CONVOLUTIONS WITHOUT PADDING∗ JOHN C. BOWMAN† AND MALCOLM ROBERTS† SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 33:1, Abstract. Algorithms are developed for calculating dealiased linear convolution sums

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              Language: English - Date: 2016-02-21 19:03:42