Feature hashing

Results: 21


Feature Hashing for Large Scale Multitask Learning Kilian Weinberger Anirban Dasgupta John Langford Alex Smola

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Source URL: alex.smola.org

Language: English - Date: 2013-09-09 02:03:31
    2Information science / Information retrieval / Hashing / Countmin sketch / Recommender system / MinHash / K-nearest neighbors algorithm / Feature hashing / Cryptographic hash function / Collaborative filtering

    POIsketch: Semantic Place Labeling over User Activity Streams 1 Dingqi Yang1 , Bin Li2 , Philippe Cudr´e-Mauroux1 eXascale Infolab, University of Fribourg, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland 2

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    Source URL: exascale.info

    Language: English - Date: 2016-08-17 10:09:29
    3Information science / Information retrieval / Hashing / Information / Search algorithms / Jaccard index / Malware analysis / Malware / Locality-sensitive hashing / Cluster analysis / Hash function / Hierarchical clustering

    BitShred: Feature Hashing Malware for Scalable Triage and Semantic Analysis Jiyong Jang David Brumley

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    Source URL: users.ece.cmu.edu

    Language: English - Date: 2014-05-29 15:38:01
    4Search algorithms / Feature detection / Hashing / Error detection and correction / Bloom filter / Hash function / Sobel operator / Peak signal-to-noise ratio / Prewitt operator / Memristor / Hash table

    Resistive Bloom Filters: From Approximate Membership to Approximate Computing with Bounded Errors ∗ Department † Department

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    Source URL: mesl.ucsd.edu

    Language: English - Date: 2015-12-02 16:27:13
    5Search algorithms / Hashing / Hash function / Hash table / Cuckoo hashing / Cryptographic hash function / Birthday problem / Feature hashing / Tabulation hashing

    Nordic Collegiate Programming Contest NCPC 2007 October 6th, 2007 The Problemset A B

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    Source URL: ncpc.idi.ntnu.no

    Language: English - Date: 2014-01-20 12:10:57
    6Hashing / Search algorithms / Bloom filter / Countmin sketch / Hash table / Hash function / Set / Universal hashing / Filter / RabinKarp algorithm / Feature hashing

    CS168: The Modern Algorithmic Toolbox Lecture #2: Approximate Heavy Hitters and the Count-Min Sketch Tim Roughgarden & Gregory Valiant∗ March 30, 2016

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    Source URL: theory.stanford.edu

    Language: English - Date: 2016-06-04 09:49:43
    7Artificial intelligence / Computer vision / Abstract algebra / Linear algebra / Hashing / Bloom filter / Hash function / Scale-invariant feature transform / Hash table / Algebra / Mathematics / Search algorithms

    Compressed Representation of Feature Vectors Using a Bloomier Filter and Its Application to Specific Object Recognition Katsufumi Inoue and Koichi Kise Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University 1-1 Gak

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    Source URL: www.m.cs.osakafu-u.ac.jp

    Language: English - Date: 2009-10-05 04:41:49
    8Artificial intelligence / Maximally stable extremal regions / Feature detection / Object recognition / SURF / Feature / Corner detection / Geometric hashing / Image gradient / Computer vision / Image processing / Vision

    Global Context Descriptors for SURF and MSER Feature Descriptors Gail Carmichael School of Computer Science Carleton University Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1S 5B6

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    Source URL: www.site.uottawa.ca

    Language: English - Date: 2012-05-22 14:45:00
    9Mathematics / Theoretical computer science / Pseudoforest / Cuckoo hashing / Universal hashing / Bipartite graph / Double hashing / Hash function / Graph / Graph theory / Search algorithms / Hashing

    A Precise Analysis of Cuckoo Hashing MICHAEL DRMOTA and REINHARD KUTZELNIGG Technische Universit¨at Wien Cuckoo hashing was introduced by Pagh and Rodler inIts main feature is that it provides constant worst case

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    Source URL: www.dmg.tuwien.ac.at

    Language: English - Date: 2009-03-12 07:46:10
    10Search algorithms / Cluster analysis / Jaccard index / Hierarchical clustering / Hash function / Statistics / Antivirus software / Malware

    BitShred: Feature Hashing Malware for Scalable Triage and Semantic Analysis Jiyong Jang David Brumley

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    Source URL: users.ece.cmu.edu

    Language: English - Date: 2014-05-29 15:38:01