Declarative programming

Results: 415

1Software engineering / Declarative programming / Computing / Functional programming / Programming paradigms / Evaluation strategy / Functional reactive programming / Digital signal processing / Formal methods / Arrow / International Conference on Functional Programming / Signal

Declarative Game Programming Distilled Tutorial Henrik Nilsson Ivan Perez

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Language: English - Date: 2014-08-18 11:37:15

Declarative and Logic Programming Mooly Sagiv Adapted from Peter Hawkins Jeff Ullman (Stanford) Why declarative programming

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- Date: 2014-03-10 07:32:15

    Introduction Grapefruit in detail Declarative Programming of Interactive Systems with Grapefruit Wolfgang Jeltsch

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    - Date: 2012-04-24 14:50:38

      Chapter 14 Improving Push-based FRP Wolfgang Jeltsch1 Category: Research Abstract: Push-based implementations of Functional Reactive Programming allow for writing reactive programs in a declarative style and execute the

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      - Date: 2012-04-24 14:50:32

        Declarative Dynamic Programming as an Alternative Realization of Courcelle’s Theorem Bernhard Bliem, Reinhard Pichler, and Stefan Woltran Institute of Information Systems, Vienna University of Technology {bliem, pichle

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        - Date: 2013-09-24 06:14:24

          Under consideration for publication in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 1 D-FLAT: Declarative Problem Solving Using Tree Decompositions and Answer-Set Programming

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          - Date: 2013-06-20 14:18:41

            Towards Fast and Declarative Meta-programming Antony F. Bowers and Corin A. Gurr January 1995 Abstract Meta-programming, the ability to manipulate programs as data, is fundamental to the success of declarative languages.

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            - Date: 2010-10-22 08:05:10

              Declarative Programming and (Co)Induction Duration: 20 hours Teachers: Davide Ancona – DIBRIS, University of Genova - Elena Zucca - DIBRIS, University of Genova - When: April

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              - Date: 2016-01-15 11:17:54
                9Software engineering / Computer programming / Declarative programming / Functional languages / Functional programming / Data types / Type theory / Compilers / Template Haskell / Haskell / Generalized algebraic data type / Metaprogramming

                DSLs in Haskell Ryan Newton Back-end

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                Language: English - Date: 2016-08-07 07:28:53
                10Computer programming / Software engineering / Computing / Conflict-free replicated data type / Data types / Functional programming / Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics / Tree / Toi / Monad

                Declarative, Sliding Window Aggregations for Computations at the Edge Christopher Meiklejohn Seyed H. Haeri (Hossein), Peter Van Roy

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                Language: English - Date: 2016-08-08 07:05:20