Congruence subgroup

Results: 62

1Modular forms / Mathematical analysis / Mathematics / Abstract algebra / Modular curve / AtkinLehner theory / Elliptic curve / Eisenstein ideal / Hecke operator / Langlands program / Cohomology / Congruence subgroup

551 Documenta Math. The Eisenstein Ideal and Jacquet-Langlands Isogeny over Function Fields

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Language: English - Date: 2015-05-26 12:24:45
2Modular forms / Mathematical analysis / Mathematics / Complex analysis / Analytic number theory / Group theory / Algebraic curves / Hecke operator / Modular curve / Congruence subgroup / Elliptic curve / Representation theory

43 Documenta Math. Hasse Invariant and Group Cohomology Bas Edixhoven, Chandrashekhar Khare

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Language: English - Date: 2003-02-18 06:10:15
3Field theory / Modular forms / Group theory / Lie groups / Projective geometry / Fake projective plane / Orbifold / Valuation ring / Torsion / Arithmetic group / Algebraic number field / Congruence subgroup

671 Documenta Math. Arithmetic of a fake projective plane and related elliptic surfaces

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Language: English - Date: 2010-10-11 05:44:40
4Modular forms / Riemann surfaces / Meromorphic functions / Analytic number theory / Analytic functions / Congruence subgroup / Theta function / Residue / Modular curve / Pole / Harmonic Maass form / Argument principle

351 Doc. Math. J. DMV On the Cuspidal Divisor Class Group of a Drinfeld Modular Curve

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Language: English - Date: 2014-07-15 07:16:15
5Mathematical software / Hecke operator / Congruence subgroup / Sage / Von Neumann algebra / Modular forms / Mathematical analysis / Mathematics

Sage Reference Manual: Modular Symbols Release 6.7 The Sage Development Team

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Language: English - Date: 2015-06-24 05:21:38
6Mathematics / Group theory / Representation theory / Analytic number theory / Projective geometry / Hecke operator / Congruence subgroup / Double coset / Schwarzian derivative / Abstract algebra / Mathematical analysis / Modular forms

Modular Hecke Algebras and their Hopf Symmetry Alain Connes Coll`ege de France 3 rue d’UlmParis, France

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Language: English - Date: 2003-12-16 12:39:47
7Mathematics / Analytic number theory / Field theory / Group theory / Algebraic number theory / Eisenstein series / Hecke operator / Congruence subgroup / Cusp form / Abstract algebra / Modular forms / Mathematical analysis

Sage Reference Manual: Modular Forms Release 6.7 The Sage Development Team

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Language: English - Date: 2015-06-24 05:21:38
8Abstract algebra / Analytic number theory / Eisenstein series / Fractals / Congruence subgroup / OpenGL Mathematics / Mathematical analysis / Modular forms / Mathematics

ESI The Erwin Schr¨ odinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics

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Language: English - Date: 2014-10-10 08:22:11
9Differential geometry / Hyperbolic geometry / Connection / Curvature / 3-manifolds / Analytic torsion / Hyperbolic manifold / Orbifold / Congruence subgroup / Geometry / Abstract algebra / Topology

ASYMPTOTICS OF ANALYTIC TORSION FOR HYPERBOLIC THREE–MANIFOLDS JEAN RAIMBAULT Abstract. We prove that for certain sequences of hyperbolic three–manifolds with cusps which converge to hyperbolic three–space in a wea

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Language: English - Date: 2014-11-06 04:47:12
10Modular forms / Selberg trace formula / Fuchsian group / Automorphic form / Cusp form / Congruence subgroup / Hecke operator / Induced representation / Möbius transformation / Abstract algebra / Mathematical analysis / Mathematics

Review of The theory of Eisenstein systems by M. Scott Osborne and Garth Warner The Laplace-Beltrami operator on the upper half-plane with respect to the hyperbolic metric is ∂2 ∂x2

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Language: English - Date: 2001-05-25 18:03:28