Automated reasoning

Results: 284

1Artificial intelligence / Logic / Cognitive science / Automated reasoning / Reasoning / Accountability / Technology / Automated theorem proving / Explainable Artificial Intelligence / Xai / Inference

Automated Reasoning for EXplainable Artificial Intelligence Maria Paola Bonacina Dipartimento di Informatica Universit` a degli Studi di Verona

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Language: English - Date: 2017-08-08 03:28:31
2Artificial intelligence / Cognitive science / Logic / Cognition / Cybernetics / Automated reasoning / Automated theorem proving / Computational neuroscience / Explainable Artificial Intelligence / Mark E. Stickel / Reason / Inference

Automated Reasoning for Explainable Artificial Intelligence∗ Maria Paola Bonacina1 Dipartimento di Informatica Universit` a degli Studi di Verona Strada Le Grazie 15

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Language: English - Date: 2017-07-30 15:10:53
3Mathematical logic / Mathematics / Logic / Logic in computer science / Proof assistants / Model theory / Proof theory / Foundations of mathematics / ZermeloFraenkel set theory / HOL / Gdel's completeness theorem / Gdel's incompleteness theorems

Journal of Automated Reasoning manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Self-Formalisation of Higher-Order Logic Semantics, Soundness, and a Verified Implementation Ramana Kumar · Rob Arthan ·

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Language: English - Date: 2015-12-16 14:53:21
4Logic / Mathematical logic / Mathematics / Model theory / Propositional calculus / Logic in computer science / Logical truth / Linear temporal logic / First-order logic / Well-formed formula / Interpretation / Intuitionistic logic

Automated Deduction for Verification Natarajan Shankar SRI International Automated deduction uses computation to perform symbolic logical reasoning. It has been a core technology for program verification from the very be

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Language: English - Date: 2010-07-20 03:24:48
5Cryptography / Algebra / Mathematics / Linear algebra / Computational number theory / Lattice points / Lattice-based cryptography / Post-quantum cryptography / LenstraLenstraLovsz lattice basis reduction algorithm / Lattice reduction / Lattice / GramSchmidt process

arXiv:1805.03418v1 [cs.SC] 9 MayComputing an LLL-reduced basis of the orthogonal lattice Jingwei Chen Chongqing Key Lab of Automated Reasoning & Cognition,

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Language: English - Date: 2018-05-09 20:20:33
6Theoretical computer science / Logic in computer science / Formal methods / Logic / Constraint programming / Electronic design automation / Satisfiability modulo theories / Formal verification / SMT / Automated reasoning / Satisfiability

SMT Workshop’07 5th International Workshop on Satisfiability Modulo Theories (Previously called PDPAR: Pragmatics of Decision Procedures in Automated Reasoning) Affiliated with CAV’07 Berlin, Germany, 1-2 July 2007

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Language: English - Date: 2007-05-29 03:47:08

Journal of Automated Reasoning manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Verifying the Correctness and Amortized Complexity of a Union-Find Implementation in Separation Logic with Time Credits

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Language: English - Date: 2017-09-21 08:25:51
    8Software engineering / Computer programming / Computing / Functional languages / Data types / Type theory / Logic in computer science / Automated theorem proving / OCaml / Coq / Disjoint-set data structure / Proof assistant

    Journal of Automated Reasoning manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Verifying the Correctness and Amortized Complexity of a Union-Find Implementation in Separation Logic with Time Credits

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    Language: English - Date: 2017-09-21 08:25:51

    Call for Papers Special issue of the AI Communications journal on Automated Reasoning IMPORTANT DATES Abstract submission: January 8, 2017

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    Language: English - Date: 2016-10-11 13:29:11