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Geometry / Polygon mesh / Triangle strip / 3D modeling / Level of detail / Progressive meshes / Vertex / Marching cubes / Tessellation / 3D computer graphics / Computer graphics / Imaging

Tutorial A Developer’s Survey of Polygonal Simplification
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Document Date: 2001-10-09 10:06:51

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File Size: 852,88 KB

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New York / Pisa / Voxel / Los Alamitos / Reading / /


ACM Press / IEEE CS Press / Vertex / /


Italy / /


USD / /


Reorganization / /


University of Utah / So complex / /


geometry-driven algorithm / topology-tolerant algorithm / decimation algorithm / topology-preserving algorithm / topology-preserving simplification algorithm / rigorous algorithm / few important algorithms / cubes algorithm / geometry-driven algorithms / subdivision algorithms / adaptive subdivision algorithm / texture-mapping graphics hardware / slower algorithms / even high-end graphics hardware / quadric-error-metrics algorithm / automatic algorithm / published algorithms / fidelity algorithm / view-dependent algorithm / geometry-based algorithms / signal processing approach / rst dynamic simplification algorithm / software package / important distinction among algorithms / regular rendering algorithms / simplification algorithm / energy function / voxel-based simplification algorithm / important ways algorithms / published algorithm / graphics hardware / recent and sophisticated progressive coding algorithm / careful simplification algorithm / excellent simplification algorithms / topology-modifying algorithms / Real-time visualization / simplification algorithms / static simplification algorithm / topology-modifying algorithm / http /


Johns Hopkins University / National Research Council of Italy / University of Utah / University of Virginia / /


P. Schroder / All / W. Sweldens / A. Khodakovsky / James Clark / Schroeder / Turk / /


head / chief / representative / /


Virginia / New York / Utah / California / /


Computer Graphics / /


Alpha / important ways algorithms / geometry-driven algorithm / simplification algorithms / 28 Sampling algorithms / decimation algorithm / Adaptive subdivision algorithms / rst dynamic simplification algorithm / few important algorithms / positions.5 The decimation algorithm / here topology-modifying algorithms / quadric-error-metrics algorithm / topology-modifying algorithm / Borrel algorithm / rendering algorithm / MPEG-4 / base mesh.6 Voxel-based object simplification Topology-preserving algorithms / regular rendering algorithms / excellent simplification algorithms / marching cubes algorithm / voxel-based simplification algorithm / html / rst algorithms / topology-tolerant algorithm / 29 Tutorial The decimation algorithm / view-dependent algorithm / Topology-modifying algorithms / Progressive forest split compression.8 This algorithm / Heckbert algorithm / laser / topology-preserving simplification algorithm / resulting algorithm / progressive coding algorithm / simplification algorithm / geometry-based algorithms / static simplification algorithm / careful simplification algorithm / completely automatic algorithm / Edgebreaker.9 This algorithm / marching-cubes algorithm / high-fidelity algorithm / geometry-driven algorithms / topology-preserving algorithm / adaptive subdivision algorithm / CAD / /


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