Prime number

Results: 1496


arXiv:1610.00950v1 [math.NT] 4 OctCALCULATING THE TATE LOCAL PAIRING FOR ANY ODD PRIME NUMBER ERIK VISSE Abstract. Fisher and Newton have given an explicit description of

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- Date: 2016-10-04 20:24:49

    HomeworkDetermine all groups of orderLet p be a prime number. What is the order of SL2 (Z/pZ)? 3. What is the index (SL2 (Z) : Γ0 (p))? 4. Realize Z/3Z, Z/4Z and Z/2Z ⊕ Z/2Z as subgroups of GL2 (Z).

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    - Date: 2016-09-29 23:32:24

      Around the Möbius function Kaisa Matomäki (University of Turku), Maksym Radziwill (Rutgers University) The Möbius function plays a central role in number theory; both the prime number theorem and the Riemann Hypothesi

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      - Date: 2016-06-10 05:01:15

        ON CANONICAL SUBGROUPS OF HILBERT-BLUMENTHAL ABELIAN VARIETIES SHIN HATTORI Abstract. Let p be a rational prime. Let F be a totally real number field which is unramified over p. In this paper, we develop a theory of cano

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        - Date: 2016-06-23 04:10:47

          Indivisibility of class numbers of imaginary quadratic function fields Dongho Byeon Abstract. We show that for an odd prime number l, there are infinitely many imaginary quadratic extensions F over the rational function

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          - Date: 2008-10-24 01:30:50

            FINAL REPORT Date of Report: Prime Award Number: Awarding Agency: Primary Institution:

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            - Date: 2011-03-21 12:48:53

              HP Prime Graphing Calculator Quick Start Guide Edition 1 HP Part Number: NW280-1001

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              - Date: 2013-12-17 09:47:48

                HP Prime Graphing Calculator Quick Start Guide Edition 1 HP Part Number: NW280-1001

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                - Date: 2013-12-17 09:47:48
                  19Algebra / Mathematics / Abstract algebra / Modular forms / Field theory / Analytic number theory / Operator theory / Algebraic geometry / Eigenform / P-adic modular form / Elliptic curve / Valuation

                  ON A PROPERNESS OF THE HILBERT EIGENVARIETY AT INTEGRAL WEIGHTS: THE CASE OF QUADRATIC RESIDUE FIELDS SHIN HATTORI Abstract. Let p be a rational prime. Let F be a totally real number field such that F is unramified over

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                  Language: English - Date: 2016-06-23 04:10:37
                  20Algebra / Abstract algebra / Mathematics / Ring theory / Functions and mappings / Algebraic number theory / Matrix theory / Unipotent / Semilinear map / Valuation ring / Galois module / Polar coordinate system

                  CANONICAL SUBGROUPS VIA BREUIL-KISIN MODULES FOR p = 2 SHIN HATTORI Abstract. Let p be a rational prime and K/Qp be an extension of complete discrete valuation fields. Let G be a truncated Barsotti-Tate group of level n,

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                  Language: English - Date: 2012-07-22 04:43:02