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Surfaces / Mathematical analysis / Differential geometry of surfaces / Dynamic programming / Normal / Rendering / Plane / Tutte polynomial / Duality / Mathematics / Geometry / 3D computer graphics

Real-Time Plane-Sweeping Stereo with Multiple Sweeping Directions David Gallup1 , J an -M ic h ae l F rah m 1 , P h ilippo s M o rdo h ai1 , Q in g x io n g Y an g 2 , an d M arc P o lle fe y s 1 1 De partm e n t o f C o
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Document Date: 2012-02-03 00:48:34

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File Size: 1,35 MB

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Atlanta / /


SAIC / Distribution Unlimited / NVIDIA / GPU / /


real-world applications / hese systems / real-time multi-view stereo algorithm / commodity graphics hardware / real-time dense depth estimation / energy function / stereo algorithm / plane-sweeping stereo algorithm / basic plane sweeping algorithm / stereo algorithms / approximate energy minimization / ur algorithm / lane-sw eep -based stereo algorithm / basic fronto-parallel plane-sweeping algorithm / basic plane-sweeping algorithm / maximum likelihood solution / graph cut stereo algorithms / real-time / less expensive solution / e -s / search space / exhaustive search / fronto-parallel sweep algorithm / plane-sweeping algorithm / energy / real-time stereo / minimizing an energy function / /


IEEE Computer Society / Geo-Spatial Technologies Information Division of SAIC / Palestine Liberation Organization / /


M. Antone / F. Verbiest / J. Tops / K. Cornelis / M. Vergauwen / L. V. Gool / N. Cornelis / R. Koch / L. Van Gool / /


S. Teller / /


Pentax K-x Digital Camera / /


lane-sw eep -based stereo algorithm / LAN / ur algorithm / plane-sweeping algorithm / basic plane-sweeping algorithm / GPS / graph cut stereo algorithms / basic fronto-parallel plane-sweeping algorithm / stereo algorithm / Image Processing / stereo algorithms / fronto-parallel sweep algorithm / real-time multi-view stereo algorithm / basic plane sweeping algorithm / plane-sweeping stereo algorithm / /
