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Connectivity / Maximum flow problem / Topology / Cut / Connected component / Breadth-first search / Disjoint-set data structure / Pseudoforest / Centrality / Graph theory / Mathematics / Graph connectivity

International Scholarly Research Network ISRN Communications and Networking Volume 2012, Article ID[removed], 19 pages doi:[removed][removed]Review Article
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Document Date: 2014-08-14 11:59:42

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File Size: 1,51 MB

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Article / /


Kubota / Ford / Fulkerson / Creative Commons / N Lc / /


pence / /



Delft University of Technology / /


physical network / backup network / unit-capacity networks / communications system / maximum-weight-matching-based algorithm / maximumflow algorithms / residual network / network survivability algorithms / maximum-flow algorithm / present-day networks / communications systems / term survivable networks / few polynomial-time algorithms / heuristic algorithms / nodeconnectivity property testing algorithm / network operator / polynomial-time algorithm / network augmentation algorithms / network augmentation solution / max-flow algorithm / Parallel algorithm / computing / Maximum-flow algorithms / tree algorithm / connectivity algorithm / probabilistic networks / augmentation algorithm / low-capacity backup network / polynomialtime algorithms / efficient algorithms / /


Delft University of Technology / Network Survivability F. A. Kuipers Faculty of Electrical Engineering / Mathematics and Computer Science / /


Yefim Dinitz / Mansour / /


Galil / /


network augmentation algorithms / Eswaran-Tarjan algorithm / randomized algorithm / connectivity algorithm / developing network augmentation algorithms / 2-linkconnectivity augmentation algorithm / Maximum-flow algorithms / efficient algorithms / extended algorithm / graph G. The algorithm / network survivability algorithms / 2-approximation algorithm / polynomial-time algorithm / maximumflow algorithms / corresponding 2-link-connected component Algorithm / Naor-Gusfield-Martel Algorithm / MPLS / nodeconnectivity property testing algorithm / 3-approximation algorithm / Gomory-Hu tree algorithm / Tarjan Algorithm / relevant algorithms / few polynomial-time algorithms / maximum-flow algorithm / maximum-weight-matching-based algorithm / optical fiber / 8/3 Randomized algorithm / max-flow algorithm / polynomialtime algorithms / Network protocols / on presenting a few polynomial-time algorithms / /
