
Results: 2279

91 Third	(Final)	Circular	 Lattice	2016:	The	34th	International	Symposium	on	Lattice	Field	Theory

Third (Final) Circular Lattice 2016: The 34th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory

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- Date: 2016-07-06 07:16:36
    92Ising lattice gauge theory and confinement Tongyan Lin Ising lattice gauge theory and confinement

    Ising lattice gauge theory and confinement Tongyan Lin Ising lattice gauge theory and confinement

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    - Date: 2009-05-27 11:15:50
      93The MYNG 1.01 Suite for Deliberation RuleML 1.01: Taming the Language Lattice Tara Athan1 , Harold Boley2 1

      The MYNG 1.01 Suite for Deliberation RuleML 1.01: Taming the Language Lattice Tara Athan1 , Harold Boley2 1

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      - Date: 2014-08-06 05:44:32
        94Lattice Signatures and Bimodal Gaussians L´eo Ducas∗ and Alain Durmus∗∗ and Tancr`ede Lepoint† and Vadim Lyubashevsky‡ {Leo.Ducas, Alain.Durmus, Tancrede.Lepoint, Vadim.Lyubashevsky} Abstract. Our main

        Lattice Signatures and Bimodal Gaussians L´eo Ducas∗ and Alain Durmus∗∗ and Tancr`ede Lepoint† and Vadim Lyubashevsky‡ {Leo.Ducas, Alain.Durmus, Tancrede.Lepoint, Vadim.Lyubashevsky} Abstract. Our main

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        - Date: 2013-12-10 11:44:27
          95PHYSICAL REVIEW B 72, 064505 共2005兲  Continuous-time Monte Carlo and spatial ordering in driven lattice gases: Application to driven vortices in periodic superconducting networks Violeta Gotcheva,* Yanting Wang,† A

          PHYSICAL REVIEW B 72, 064505 共2005兲 Continuous-time Monte Carlo and spatial ordering in driven lattice gases: Application to driven vortices in periodic superconducting networks Violeta Gotcheva,* Yanting Wang,† A

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          - Date: 2010-03-04 09:33:47
            96A Lattice-Based Computationally-Efficient Private Information Retrieval Protocol (Extended version of WEWORC paper, presented in July 2007, in Bochum, Germany) Carlos Aguilar-Melchor and Philippe Gaborit XLIM - Universit

            A Lattice-Based Computationally-Efficient Private Information Retrieval Protocol (Extended version of WEWORC paper, presented in July 2007, in Bochum, Germany) Carlos Aguilar-Melchor and Philippe Gaborit XLIM - Universit

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            - Date: 2008-02-24 13:37:04
              97A subfield lattice attack on overstretched NTRU assumptions Cryptanalysis of some FHE and Graded Encoding Schemes Martin Albrecht1? , Shi Bai2?? , and L´eo Ducas3? ? ? 1

              A subfield lattice attack on overstretched NTRU assumptions Cryptanalysis of some FHE and Graded Encoding Schemes Martin Albrecht1? , Shi Bai2?? , and L´eo Ducas3? ? ? 1

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              - Date: 2016-07-04 10:02:28
                98Quiver Gauge Theories and Integrable Lattice Models Junya Yagi SISSA & INFN, Trieste

                Quiver Gauge Theories and Integrable Lattice Models Junya Yagi SISSA & INFN, Trieste

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                - Date: 2015-06-03 13:26:02
                  991. INTRODUCTION  In a crystal lattice, atoms are arranged in a very regular manner and form a spatial periodic potential. As a consequence of this periodic potential, bands of allowed and forbidden energies are formed, f

                  1. INTRODUCTION In a crystal lattice, atoms are arranged in a very regular manner and form a spatial periodic potential. As a consequence of this periodic potential, bands of allowed and forbidden energies are formed, f

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                  - Date: 2004-09-30 06:30:56
                    100A Journey from Cellular Automata and Kinetic Theory to Lattice Boltzmann Models  Dominique d’Humi`eres Laboratoire de Physique Statistique, ´ Ecole

                    A Journey from Cellular Automata and Kinetic Theory to Lattice Boltzmann Models Dominique d’Humi`eres Laboratoire de Physique Statistique, ´ Ecole

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                    - Date: 2012-02-01 06:02:21