Lambda calculus

Results: 1452


Constructing Digital-to-Analog Converters and Lambda Calculus Using Die Ike Antkare International Institute of Technology United Slates of Earth

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- Date: 2014-01-09 04:24:28

    Type Inference, Higher Order Algebra, and Lambda Calculus Björn Lisper School of Innovation, Design, and Engineering Mälardalen University

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    - Date: 2013-12-11 16:14:46
      23Abstraction / Theoretical computer science / Lambda calculus / Software engineering / Cognitive science / Models of computation / Logic in computer science / Data management / Combinatory logic / Factory / Deductive lambda calculus

      1 Abstraction as a Means for End-User Computing in Creative Applications Mira Balaban () Eli Barzilay ()

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      Language: English - Date: 2003-03-11 03:26:58
      24Software engineering / Computing / Computer programming / Subroutines / Data types / Anonymous function / Functional programming / Lambda calculus / Exponentiation / ATS / Array data type / Parameter

      The Julia Express Bogumił Kaminski ´ January 4, 2015 Contents

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      Language: English - Date: 2015-01-04 14:18:51
      25Theoretical computer science / Algorithms / Formal methods / Software engineering / HindleyMilner type system / Lambda calculus / Type theory / Mathematics

      The Development of the AQ20 Learning System and Initial Experiments Guido Cervone Liviu Panait Ryszard Michalski* Machine Learning and Inference Laboratory, George Mason University, Fairfax,

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      Language: English - Date: 2015-11-18 09:12:46
      26Software engineering / Computer programming / Computing / Type theory / Data types / Functional programming / Subroutines / Lambda calculus / Subtyping / Const / Unification / Type system

      Uniqueness Typing Simplified Edsko de Vries1⋆ , Rinus Plasmeijer2 , and David M Abrahamson1 1 2 Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, {devriese,david}

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      Language: English - Date: 2016-08-23 03:13:56
      27Type theory / Theoretical computer science / Mathematical logic / Programming language theory / Lambda calculus / Formal methods / Logic in computer science / CurryHoward correspondence / HindleyMilner type system / Simply typed lambda calculus / Type system / Proof assistant

      PML : A new proof assistant and deduction system Christophe Raffalli LAMA

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      Language: English - Date: 2007-07-02 08:10:34
      28Process calculi / Theoretical computer science / Mathematics / Software engineering / Formal methods / -calculus / Join-calculus / Lambda calculus / Ambient calculus / Inverse trigonometric functions / Calculus / Join-pattern

      In Cabernet Radicals Workshop, October 2002 New directions in implementing the pi calculus Lucian Wischik, University of Bologna 30th August 2002

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      Language: English - Date: 2002-10-02 04:22:36
      29Mathematical logic / Software engineering / Theoretical computer science / Type theory / Computability theory / Logic in computer science / Proof assistants / Logic for Computable Functions / HOL / Lambda calculus / Primitive recursive function / Recursion

      A brief introduction to Higher Order Logic and the HOL proof assistant Monica Nesi

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      Language: English - Date: 2011-02-08 09:50:34
      30Mathematical logic / Logic / Computability theory / Theory of computation / Proof theory / Hierarchy / Lambda calculus / Theoretical computer science / Consistency / Propositional calculus / Calculus / Arithmetical hierarchy

      Steve Warner Curriculum Vitae Department of Mathematics Hofstra University Hempstead, NY 11549

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      Language: English - Date: 2016-06-13 13:02:27