
Results: 99

41arXiv:1311.6958v3 [math.CO] 19 AugJuntas in the ℓ1-grid and Lipschitz maps between discrete tori Itai Benjamini∗ David Ellis†

arXiv:1311.6958v3 [math.CO] 19 AugJuntas in the ℓ1-grid and Lipschitz maps between discrete tori Itai Benjamini∗ David Ellis†

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Language: English - Date: 2014-08-20 01:57:17
    42ANNIHILATION AND COALESCENCE ON BINARY TREES  arXiv:1305.2610v2 [math.DS] 23 Sep 2013 ITAI BENJAMINI AND YURI LIMA Abstract. An infection spreads in a binary tree Tn of height n as follows:

    ANNIHILATION AND COALESCENCE ON BINARY TREES arXiv:1305.2610v2 [math.DS] 23 Sep 2013 ITAI BENJAMINI AND YURI LIMA Abstract. An infection spreads in a binary tree Tn of height n as follows:

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    Language: English - Date: 2013-09-23 21:08:43
      43Composition and Seasonal Variation of Rhipicephalus turanicus and Rhipicephalus sanguineus Bacterial Communities Itai Lalzar, Shimon Harrus, Kosta Y. Mumcuoglu and Yuval Gottlieb Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 2012, 78(12):41

      Composition and Seasonal Variation of Rhipicephalus turanicus and Rhipicephalus sanguineus Bacterial Communities Itai Lalzar, Shimon Harrus, Kosta Y. Mumcuoglu and Yuval Gottlieb Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 2012, 78(12):41

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      Language: English - Date: 2013-07-09 07:44:56
      44UNITAID   Rapport AnnuelU N ITAI D RAP P ORT AN N U E LSecrétariat d’UNITAID Organisation mondiale de la Santé

      UNITAID   Rapport AnnuelU N ITAI D RAP P ORT AN N U E LSecrétariat d’UNITAID Organisation mondiale de la Santé

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      - Date: 2013-10-21 09:55:54
        45Notulen ALV NVBT vrijdag 8 november 2013 Utrecht Aanwezig: Itai Cohn (voorzitter NVBT), Kim Schollema (secretaris NVBT), Jantien Mijwaart (projectorganisatie NVBT), Engeline Penterman (Kennisinnovatie NVBT), Sarie Heemsk

        Notulen ALV NVBT vrijdag 8 november 2013 Utrecht Aanwezig: Itai Cohn (voorzitter NVBT), Kim Schollema (secretaris NVBT), Jantien Mijwaart (projectorganisatie NVBT), Engeline Penterman (Kennisinnovatie NVBT), Sarie Heemsk

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        - Date: 2015-01-16 06:52:42
          46Fast Convergence in Population Games Itai Arieli Peyton Young∗ September 25, 2011 Abstract A stochastic learning dynamic exhibits fast convergence in a population game if the expected waiting time until the process com

          Fast Convergence in Population Games Itai Arieli Peyton Young∗ September 25, 2011 Abstract A stochastic learning dynamic exhibits fast convergence in a population game if the expected waiting time until the process com

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          Language: English - Date: 2011-09-30 13:45:50
            47UNITAID   Annual ReportU N ITAI D AN N UAL R E P ORTUNITAID Secretariat World Health Organization

            UNITAID   Annual ReportU N ITAI D AN N UAL R E P ORTUNITAID Secretariat World Health Organization

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            Language: English - Date: 2012-03-30 06:45:06
              48UNITAID   Annual ReportU N ITAI D AN N UAL R E P ORTUNITAID Secretariat World Health Organization

              UNITAID   Annual ReportU N ITAI D AN N UAL R E P ORTUNITAID Secretariat World Health Organization

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              Language: English - Date: 2013-10-21 09:54:37
                49arXiv:0710.1343v1 [math.MG] 6 OctDimension Reduction for the Hyperbolic Space Itai Benjamini∗  Yury Makarychev†

                arXiv:0710.1343v1 [math.MG] 6 OctDimension Reduction for the Hyperbolic Space Itai Benjamini∗ Yury Makarychev†

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                Language: English - Date: 2013-02-18 10:06:21
                  50Payoff Equivalence of Efficient Mechanisms in Large Matching MarketsWe are grateful to Ludovic Lelièvre, Charles Maurin and Xingye Wu for their research assistance, and to Eduardo Azevedo, Itai Ashlagi, Julien Combe, Ol

                  Payoff Equivalence of Efficient Mechanisms in Large Matching MarketsWe are grateful to Ludovic Lelièvre, Charles Maurin and Xingye Wu for their research assistance, and to Eduardo Azevedo, Itai Ashlagi, Julien Combe, Ol

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                  Language: English - Date: 2015-03-30 17:10:16