English grammar

Results: 3534

51Culture / Linguistics / Language / Parts of speech / English grammar / Grammar / Human communication / Question / Questionnaire construction / Do-support / Verb / Subject

Worksheet - Questions with do/does

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Source URL: www.englisch-hilfen.de

Language: English - Date: 2013-10-01 11:37:13

English grammar worksheets www.e-grammar.org/esl-printable-worksheets/ Modal verbs can, may, must, have to A) Rewrite the sentences with can, may, must or have to.

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Source URL: www.e-grammar.org

Language: English - Date: 2014-12-30 07:53:43
    53English grammar / Shall and will / Verbs / Gun politics in the United States / Linguistics / Zoning / Law / Concealed carry in the United States / Reckless driving

    Microsoft Word - Temporary Use.doc

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    Source URL: cottonwoodaz.gov

    Language: English - Date: 2011-08-21 06:53:13
    54Linguistics / Linguistic morphology / Grammar / Historical linguistics / Parts of speech / Regular and irregular verbs / English irregular verbs / Germanic languages / Verb / English verbs / Words and Rules / Inflection

    Regular and Irregular Verbs: Part 2 Informatics 1 CG: Lecture 4 Mirella Lapata Reading:

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    Source URL: www.inf.ed.ac.uk

    Language: English - Date: 2016-01-19 07:53:43
    55Computing / Computer architecture / Software / English grammar / Shall and will / Verbs / Graphical user interface / Operating system / Windows Vista / Widget / Df

    Software and System Specifications Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 4

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    Source URL: www.econolite.com

    Language: English - Date: 2016-03-30 18:37:23
    56Linguistics / Grammar / Linguistic morphology / Grammatical number / Linguistic typology / Morphology / Oromo language / Morpheme / Inflection / Plural / Productivity / Suffix

    Running"head:"SINGULAR"AND"PLURAL"IN"THREE"LANGUAGES" " " The"processing"of"singular"and"plural"nouns"in"English,"French"and"Dutch:"new"insights"from" megastudies" Manuel"Gimenesa,"Marc"Brysbaertb"&"Boris"Newc"

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    Source URL: crr.ugent.be

    Language: English - Date: 2015-10-06 08:25:16
    57Culture / Linguistics / Syntax / English grammar / English auxiliaries and contractions / Slang / Contraction / Affirmative and negative / Dependency grammar / Clitic / Antisymmetry / Do-support

    Auxiliaries in Serbian/Croatian and English Damir ‚avar Chris Wilder Uni Potsdam

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    Source URL: cavar.me

    Language: English - Date: 2010-02-18 20:27:06
    58Linguistics / Syntax / Cognitive science / Syntactic categories / Psycholinguistics / Linguistic typology / Sentence processing / Argument / Clause / English grammar / Relative clause / Verb phrase


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    Source URL: tedlab.mit.edu

    Language: English - Date: 2012-08-07 12:27:11
    59Linguistics / Grammar / Grammatical tenses / Perfect / Present perfect / Participle / Copula / Go / Uses of English verb forms

    Complex Test Present Perfect English

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    Source URL: www.englisch-hilfen.de

    Language: English - Date: 2013-10-01 11:37:13
    60Wake Up / Do-support / Simple present / Wake / Fiction

    http://www.ToLearnEnglish.com − Resources to learn/teach English (courses, games, grammar, daily page...) Present Simple − What time do you wake up? − I wake up at 9.30 am

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    Source URL: www.tolearnenglish.com

    Language: English - Date: 2013-03-07 13:59:25