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Combinatorics / Sorting network / Bitonic sorter / Merge sort / Heapsort / Ken Batcher / Quicksort / Sorting / Sort / Sorting algorithms / Order theory / Mathematics

Chapter 4 Distributed Sorting “Indeed, I believe that virtually every important aspect of programming arises somewhere in the context of sorting [and searching]!” – Donald E. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming
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Document Date: 2014-09-26 08:28:48

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File Size: 199,40 KB

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oblivious comparison-exchange algorithm / depth sorting network / batcher sorting networks / e.g. peer-to-peer networks / oblivious comparison-exchange network / hardware solution / batcher sorting network / comparison networks / merger network / distributed sorting algorithm / isomorphic network / comparison network / bitonic sorting network / load balancing infrastructure / orthodox singleprocessor sorting algorithm / systolic hardware / sequential sorting algorithms / example sorting network / distributed computing perspective / bitonic counting network / odd/even sort algorithm / hypercubic networks / synchronous algorithm / /


US Federal Reserve / /


Donald E. Knuth / /


engineer / /


orthodox singleprocessor sorting algorithm / 33 Algorithm / oblivious comparison-exchange algorithm / central processor / load balancing / sorting algorithm / odd/even sort algorithm / synchronous algorithm / distributed sorting algorithm / requesting processor / sequential sorting algorithms / /
