Artificial neural networks

Results: 1630

51Artificial neural networks / Artificial intelligence / Machine learning / Computational linguistics / Applied mathematics / Computational neuroscience / Artificial intelligence applications / Long short-term memory / Computational statistics / Recurrent neural network / Speech recognition / Vanishing gradient problem


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Language: English - Date: 2016-04-13 17:20:13
52Geology / Petrology / Igneous petrology / Plate tectonics / Igneous rocks / Volcanology / Subvolcanic rocks / Kaapvaal Craton / Mantle plume / Ophiolite / Adakite / Kimberlite

1. Sylvain Trépanier, Lucie Mathieu, Réal Daigneault, Stéphane Faure; Precursors predicted by artificial neural networks for mass balance calculations: Quantifying hydrothermal alteration in volcanic rocks, Computers

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Language: English - Date: 2016-05-02 04:45:00
53Computational neuroscience / Mathematical psychology / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers / Applied mathematics / Academia / Cognitive science / Artificial neural networks

Microsoft Word - XindiCaiResume4acil.doc

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Language: English - Date: 2014-01-22 05:24:00
54Neuroscience / Computational neuroscience / Cognition / Cognitive science / Artificial neural networks / Nervous system / Artificial intelligence / Connectionism / Biological neural network / Neuron / Hybrid neural network / Nervous system network models

Perceptrons Informatics 1 CG: Lecture 5 Mirella Lapata School of Informatics University of Edinburgh

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Language: English - Date: 2016-01-21 10:51:51
55Neuroscience / Computational neuroscience / Nervous system / Neural networks / Cognitive science / Artificial neural networks / Computational statistics / Biological neural network / Brain / Neural coding / Neural decoding / Neural engineering

Computational Intelligence for Decoding Brain’s Motor Cortical Functions Jennie Si, Ph.D. () Professor, School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering Graduate Faculty of the School of Biological and H

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Language: English - Date: 2014-07-16 23:21:48
56Artificial neural networks / Applied mathematics / Machine learning / Statistics / Factorial code / Sepp Hochreiter / Backpropagation / Competitive learning / Self-organizing map / Autoencoder

Low-Complexity Coding and Decoding Sepp Hochreiter and Jurgen Schmidhuber Technische Universitat Munchen, 80290 Munchen, Germany and IDSIA, Corso Elvezia 36, CH-6900-Lugano, Switzerland Abstract. We present a novel

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Language: English - Date: 2013-01-23 02:15:47
57Artificial intelligence / Machine learning / Parsing algorithms / Learning / Computational linguistics / Artificial neural networks / Parsing / Deep learning / Shift-reduce parser / Michael Collins / Statistical parsing / Speech recognition

Incremental Recurrent Neural Network Dependency Parser with Search-based Discriminative Training Majid Yazdani Computer Science Department University of Geneva

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Language: English - Date: 2015-08-19 06:57:43
58Computational neuroscience / Cognitive science / Data / Artificial intelligence / Artificial neural networks / Computer vision / Convolutional neural network / NICTA / Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition / Imagination / Image segmentation / Copyright

Compacting ConvNets for end to end Learning Jose M. Alvarez Joint work with Lars Pertersson, Hao Zhou, Fatih Porikli. NICTA Copyright 2012

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Language: English - Date: 2016-02-10 01:19:02
59Neuroscience / Computational neuroscience / Nervous system / Neural networks / Biology / Artificial neural networks / Neural coding / Neuron / Synaptic weight / Spiking neural network / Biological neural network / Action potential

Predictive Coding of Dynamical Variables in Balanced Spiking Networks Martin Boerlin1, Christian K. Machens2, Sophie Dene`ve1* 1 Group for Neural Theory, De´partement d’E´tudes Cognitives, E´cole Normale Supe´rieur

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Language: English - Date: 2014-06-04 11:04:44
60Artificial neural networks / Neuroscience / Cognitive science / Computational neuroscience / Artificial intelligence / Machine learning / Computational statistics / Deep learning / Word embedding / Recurrent neural network / Language model / Long short-term memory

Visualizing and Understanding Neural Models in NLP Jiwei Li1 , Xinlei Chen2 , Eduard Hovy2 and Dan Jurafsky1 1 Computer Science Department, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA Technology Institute, Carnegie Mell

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Language: English - Date: 2016-06-08 15:36:19